Monday 4 November 2013

Trouble Maker

Trouble Maker is back with their title track "Now/There's no tomorrow !
The MV gets more than 2 million views in 3 days !

If you dont know who they are, they are Beast's Hyunseung & 4Minute's Hyuna who're under the same company-Cube Entertainment and they were already popular. They hit hot topic and gained alot of awards with the "Trouble Maker" song and perfomances in 2011-2012.

Always listen and watch Beast and 4Minutes so their collaborations are daekbak for me XD

And again they hit a hot topic in Kpop world.

Check out the MV below, uncut ver of MV also released yesterday, you can look for it from the official channel:

All I could say is, Hyuna is getting hotter and hotter ! Ahh I love her at the clubbing(?) scene. Hehh.
Hyunseung still sings well as usual during live and Hyuna improves too.
And and.. they kiss for real in the mv and some scenes are...  :O  lol
Some girls especially their korean fans would bash Hyuna as slut etc.. and found a comment so true that they attack her for wearing too sexy but when it comes to male they would say "oppa oppa take off your shirt !"  Funneh.

Here's one of the live:
Love her makeup and outfit at here.

Till here, shall force myself to the books world now...

Had been inactive recently because im having final exam soon so yeah.
I'll be back again after this ! On December, perhaps TT
Everyone is studying and im the one who still havent touch my books, cant get my butt sticks on my seat anf focus on exam. LOL

Just wanna update bout Watson having November Promotion:
WM Promo: 22 October - 20 November 2013
EM Promo: 29 October - 27 November 2013

One thing that caught my attention is that by purchasing L'oreal hair care product more than RM50/+, you get a free hair straightener in pink, while stock lasts.
Went there and bought a liner (wanted to buy master drama then bought wrong-masterliner pft), hair care product, etc etc.. 
I thought that the hair straightener is medium size as usual but when I gt it, it was so small ! -.-
But good things is I can use it to curl my hair because the hair straightener bought before was too wide.

So here's how it looks.

There're also discounts, buy any 2 save 20% and so on..

Check out their facebook photo album about the November Promotions :

Saturday 28 September 2013

一切会过去 & 不得不失

¨     一切会过去



¨     不得不失

Monday 2 September 2013


今天在图书馆看了 "你的幸福 我的祝福", 深深被吸引融入了这本书的世界








沒錯!當別人打擊你、羞辱你,或對你做出一些卑劣的作為,你很氣,你想還以顏色,你想用同樣的手段報復他, 但你不會真的這樣做。



个人语录 (请勿抄袭除非注明出处):
面对他人的攻击时, 最好的回复就是没答复, 不痛不痒, 一笑置之, 不以为然


Saturday 31 August 2013


Was geeking infront of lappy and then dad :"Wanna go watch movie?"
"Sure! Unbeatable?" Yeah  :D
Dad is a really busy person, works all day long till dawn and sometimes lack of sleep or does not sleep at all. Sometimes when im stress bout my studies I would think of his stress, compared to his stress, my stress is just far way behind from his. Sometimes even public holidays he still have to work. Cost of living is so damn high nowadays, prices rising, productivity quality getting worse, Malaysia's money value dropping. DAMN ! Back to the point, could hardly hang out with him for hours. And this is the second time movie with him in this year since the last time which was the first time after years no movie with him..

Watched "Unbeatable". DAMN. They're hawt. Muscles and abs !


The actors actually trained real hard for this movie, using different kind of equipment / tools. Their determinations.. (clapforthem) 
 It's really really a movie that's worth to watch  and really nice especially for those who love action movie like me 
Through some words in the movie you will get motivated.
I wont hesitate to watch it for another time !

曾经在香港拳坛赫赫有名的拳王程辉(张家辉饰)在过气没落之后,成了生活窘迫、负债累累的中年男人,而在澳门结识了本是富家子弟却因 父亲生意失败破产而变得一无所有的思齐(彭于晏饰), 为了作出点成绩给不知所踪的父亲鼓励,思齐成为了程辉的徒弟,从此苦练搏击技术。程辉带着思齐重返拳 坛只为挽回曾经拳王的尊严,俩人互相扶持,尽管一路走来艰辛异常,但最终思齐还是如愿登上了MMA的擂台,为自己为父亲为师傅取得成功,重拾对生活的信心。

戏里搞笑的部分就是在他们以自己的口音用对方的语言对话时.. 哈哈哈彭于晏台湾口腔说广东话, 张家辉广东口腔说华语..
还有就是亲亲部分, 和"小丹"戏里的沟通, 等等.. (自己去看吧 :P)

李馨巧很可爱, 演的好 说的华语也很标准, 不愧是童星 ! 而且是来自大马的, 小小年纪得了影后!
长得有点像小叔的女儿以前可爱漂亮的样子 呵

彭于晏从美男变壮男 ! 帅哦, 哈哈
张家辉, 从小也看他的戏到大, 搞笑的黑社会等等, 因为这部戏得了影帝, 好事好事 

这部电影有搞笑的, 温馨的, 感动的..
打斗的画面真的让人紧张呃 ! 佩服他们真实的用那些器材来演和练, 张家辉头练的那个好恐怖, 那个头不会断吗  X.X
等考完试后要真的努力了, 这影片真的有帮助到
我说彭于晏在戏里那鼻子歪掉再弄回去的时候也演的太逼真了吧 A__A

彭于晏也有玩instagram, 时不时上载他在干嘛和搞怪的照片等等, 哈哈
Instagram : yuyanpeng


记得, 不要怕, 坚持, 要勇敢, 不要放弃 !


Yesterday was holiday and today is Independence Day (Hari Merdeka) for Malaysia, and tomorrow is weekend also the first day of September then Monday comes again !

66 days to STPM, 10 papers including 2 in sem 1, 4 in sem 2 and 4 in sem 3 waiting for me, 8 weeks for me to prepare, have no idea how should I arrange my timetable and the main thing is, whether I can master all those subjects in those weeks! HORRIBLE

Kill my laziness and someone please teach me those subjects I have full of question marks in my mind. A's??? pft.

*Crapping like a crazy girl.

Anyway, Teen Top's new mv is out, with their club-style music and knife-like dance that hits hot topic again, and their shuffle dance

L.Joe is gaining muscles, Chunji's voice is attractive, Ricky's eyebrow still as the same (with one higher, hahhahah), 
Guys who sing with full emotions and when they close their eyes / scowling
Beast and Teen Top daekbak

Teen Top - Rocking, Check it out ~

Monday 19 August 2013

School reopens

Today is Monday Blue for Malaysian students 
Yeap. Because school reopens !
but not for me because I was absence, 3 + 2 periods of the same subjects = free, 2 lessons = meaningless teaching and 1 lesson = lazy teacher which mean only 1 subject 2 periods and stay at school for whole morning? Darn. 
Just wanna spend more time to take care mum, too. and it seems like school has become more and more boring meaningless. Grh. 
The longest holiday has come to the end and the next holiday comes up after the final exam which is on November, NAW.
Time flies, sigh.

Been enjoying the first week of holiday well and been really busy during the second week
Thanks that mum's operation goes smoothly and hopefully there're no negative side effects. Kept praying. Thanks Buddha.
And tryna appreciate everything I have.

happens among the students is that there's always last minute works.
Have TOTALLY no idea to do the damn assignment that has to hand in. Homeworks that I dont know how to do as if I haven start any lesson  (OHMY)
And im still here blogging.
Bleh, talking craps and dont know what should I say and do.

July and August are bad months for me, lots of things happen, and learnt new thing, changed in some 'perspective'.
Hopefully September will be a better month.

Gotta study my UBS for temubual tomorrow, blank mind, rusty brain. 
